Waiting for the Promise
Bible Exploration

Original price was: $6.25.Current price is: $3.12.

The first unit of five lessons, “In the Beginning,” looks at some of the first stories in the Bible to find out what God is like. From creation we learn that he is all-powerful and is like a fountain overflowing with joy and life. From man’s fall into sin we learn that he is both holy and merciful. From Cain and Abel and Noah we learn what kind of faith pleases God. And throughout all the stories of the Old Testament is the promise of a Savior who would one day come to rescue his wayward creatures.

The second unit of five lessons, “The True Vine,” explores how this metaphor of Jesus helps us understand who he was and what he did to rescue us. God’s chosen people Israel were also called a vine, but they were disobedient and produced nothing but bad fruit. Jesus, the True Vine, always obeyed God and demonstrated the fruit of the Spirit perfectly. Yet he was crushed for our sin, our bad fruit, so that we could be washed clean and enter again into the joy of God’s presence.